Tuesday, 19 April 2011

My first blog post

So I was checking through the new posts that had popped up on my netvibes when I came across a new entry from David Lebowitz about his favourite links. Through this I stumbled across a new food blog called mattbites and some super great pics of sandwiches (which made me even more hungry!) ).

His strap line = “No 7 - 50 WORLDS BEST FOOD BLOGS from Times Online”

I’m not aiming too high (for now). Through further investigation (= search on google) I was able to discover quite a few interesting blogs all about my favourite thing - FOOD. After a quick sweep through and a pick of the best (which I added to my netvibes), I started to explore

It was through this exploration that I stumbled upon 101 Cookbooks and her recipe post for Sweet Potato Falafel

The blog started with: Do all you U.K. based readers know the Leon restaurants?

“Umm – No I don’t think I do!”

I then read further down the page and saw that the recipe was for non-deep-fried falafel - as I have been on a “healthy eating but still yummy kick” (blog posts to follow), I was interested to see how these were made as I have been trying out some falafel recipes of late. Once I had “ummed” and “ahhed”, I headed to the above link to check out Leon’s restaurants where I found wonderment and another food destination to add to my ever growing list!

The power of the blog!

This tipped me over the edge and fully prompted me to write this mini story of my journey into the blog world – maybe one day prompting someone else to do the same


  1. Your first blog comment

    Hello :)

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